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Alohomora Algorithm - ElectroMobility Nexus: Decoding EV Uptake Dynamics

Project Info


Team Name


Team Members

Anikesh , Jubin , Swetalina Nayak , Saket

Project Description

Addressing the formidable challenge of transforming behaviour is at the forefront of our mission. Our project revolves around the compelling inquiry: "How Might We Inspire People to Adopt More Electric Vehicles?" Through the application of Design Thinking principles, we embarked on a journey to unravel solutions that bridge the gap between the aspirations of individuals and the need for increased electric vehicle (EV) adoption.

To approach this complex challenge, our team engaged in a comprehensive exploration. By meticulously dissecting the Problem Statements posed by both the Victorian Government and the EV users and buyers, we aimed to identify the pivotal factors hindering widespread EV adoption.

Our methodology entailed a multifaceted approach. We initiated an array of customer interviews involving diverse participants, mentors, and other stakeholders. This qualitative endeavor enabled us to delve deep into the thoughts, concerns, and perceptions of individuals associated with EVs.

In tandem with the interviews, we harnessed the power of data by thoroughly studying the datasets provided to us. This empirical analysis endowed us with invaluable insights into the underlying dynamics of EV adoption and its challenges.

With insights derived from both human interactions and data exploration, we embarked on the creation of innovative recommendations. Drawing on our understanding of the barriers preventing EV adoption, we brainstormed and formulated potential solutions. These recommendations are aimed at inspiring change on various levels, from personal perspectives to policy considerations.

Our project represents a comprehensive journey encompassing research, analysis, and ideation. By employing the principles of Design Thinking, we have endeavored to pave the way for a future where the adoption of electric vehicles is not just a preference but a natural choice. Through collaboration, empathy, and strategic thinking, we seek to be catalysts for change, fostering a world where the transition to electric mobility is embraced with enthusiasm and purpose.


Data Story

Our team embarked on a journey to tackle a significant challenge: inspiring increased adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs). Leveraging the power of data analytics, we delved into a plethora of datasets from Data.Vic to unravel insights and devise effective solutions that can transform the landscape of EV adoption.

Data Exploration and Heat Map Analysis

Our initial step was to dive into the provided datasets, including counts of registered vehicles aggregated by various dimensions. Armed with this information, we set out to create a heat map illustrating the concentration of EV intake across different postcodes in Victoria. This map offered a visual depiction of areas with the highest EV adoption rates.

Heat Map Insights: Unveiling Hotspots of EV Adoption

The heat map highlighted several postcodes in Victoria exhibiting remarkable EV adoption rates. The concentration of EVs in specific urban pockets suggested the presence of conducive factors influencing adoption in those areas.

Comparing EV Chargers with EV Intake Data

To ascertain the correlation between EV intake and charging infrastructure, we juxtaposed the heat map of EV intake with data on EV chargers across postcodes. This comparison revealed an interesting interplay between EV adoption and the availability of charging stations. Notably, we observed that certain Low-intake areas had un-sufficient charging infrastructure.

Innovative Solutions: Paving the Path for Widespread EV Adoption

Armed with these insights, our team crafted a set of innovative solutions:

EV-Ready Buildings: We proposed the concept of "EV-Ready Buildings" as a key solution. This entails equipping urban buildings with charging stations. By transforming buildings into charging hubs, we address the concern of limited charging points in crowded areas.

Solar Panel Charging Stations: We suggested harnessing solar energy for charging stations. By incentivizing the installation of solar panel charging stations, we can foster a sustainable charging ecosystem while promoting eco-friendly charging solutions.

Street Parking Transformation: Converting urban street parking into solar-powered charging stations offers a dual benefit of convenient charging and affordable parking. This innovative approach encourages EV adoption by seamlessly integrating charging into daily routines.

Infrastructure Boost: Our analysis revealed the doubling of EV purchases over subsequent years. To keep pace with this trend, we recommended the installation of Level 3 Rapid DC Chargers, ensuring convenient and efficient charging.

Range Considerations: Recognizing the difference in ranges between EVs and traditional petrol cars, we advocated for a greater number of charging stations to outpace filling stations, enhancing the viability of EV ownership.

Referral Program Subsidies: By introducing a referral program with subsidies, the government can tap into the power of word-of-mouth to inspire potential buyers. This approach aligns with the survey data indicating a strong correlation between cost reduction and purchase intent.

In conclusion, our data-driven journey led us to uncover insightful patterns, map EV adoption hotspots, and propose transformative solutions. By addressing key challenges through innovative strategies, we aspire to accelerate the adoption of Electric Vehicles, steering the world towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Australian EV Charger Map

Description of Use We used the data to understand the data how many charging points are available vs the total EV cars sold.

Data Set

Whole Fleet Vehicle Registration Snapshot by Postcode

Description of Use We analyzed the highest volume of vehicles sold, including pricing and user behavior in luxury and low price segments.

Data Set

Monthly Vehicle Transfers

Description of Use We used this data to understand which was the highest resale vehicles vs EVs

Data Set

Whole Fleet Vehicle Registration Snapshot by Postcode

Description of Use We have used this data to understand User Behaviour and vehicle spending patterns across Victoria.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Explore the relationship between vehicle types and the uptake of EVs

The challenge is to analyse vehicle registration data and explore the relationship between vehicle types and the uptake of EVs. Identify and analyse factors that may influence the adoption of electric vehicles.

Eligibility: Use at least 1 dataset from Data.Vic list.

Go to Challenge | 12 teams have entered this challenge.