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Team Name:

Koala Hackers

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Evidence of Work

ARMRA (Animal Recognition, Mornitoring and Rescue Application) - (Web/Mobile Application)

Project Info

Koala Hackers thumbnail

Team Name

Koala Hackers

Team Members

Matt , Ben

Project Description

Machine Learning Animal Care Platform - Mobile App, Community Engagement

#machinelearning #imagerecognition #community #animalcare #virtualadoption #mbrc #qfes #npaw #koala

Data Story

Multiple Data Sets collide to create a community solution to care for our diverse Wildlife. Geospatial and tracking data will linked with education and emergency to increase the ability to engage with, track, monitor and care for the bio-diversity of our planet.

Using machine learning image recognition and predection, we create individual profiles for our iconic Wildlife, such as Koala's and Kangaroos. This allows for community based, non-invasive tracking to combine with real-time tracking data to monitor these creates as they go about their lives. For each uniquely identified animal a profile is create to drive communicty engagement.

Tracking data is overlayed with regional data to update the status of animals. This will show if an animal is in at risk of threats from fire, floods or habitat destruction.

Not all data currently exists for all regions, so we have comined a variety of existing data sets as a foundation for our pilot. This will include
Cadastre Data - to determine if Koalas are on private property or not
Park boundaries - such as queensland Parks and Wildlife Service" - to determine if koalas are in National Parks, unexpected environments and provide warnings to end users or other.
Threatened Habitats - to provide warnings and education to end-users or assist with relocation
Bushfire prone areas - to aid with planning and response
Flood extent series - to aid with planning and response
Asset Registers and Heavy Vehicle Infrastructure Ratings - to determine if heavy vehicles can access animals in danger areas or during disaster events
Nature Maps - eg: The Canberra Nature Map, to enhance the value proposition of the guided educator component of the application for example Teachers, Scout Leaders

The following system integrations are considered and assumed as part of this application
QFES Planned Burn Application - levereage "Permit to Burn" data and integrate with application process to enhance the consideration of our wildlife as part of the pre-approval process
NGO animal care orgnisation - to provide super user access to update/verify records from their NGO system
MBRC Surveilence video (wildlife underpasses etc) to add image data to the collection
Alert Systems to RSPCA - to report all wildlife emergencies such as sick, injured or orphaned animals

The full data collection will plotted in GIS. A reduced and delayed (12hours) public data set will be embedded into the App to drive community engagement/awareness for example; our Koala population. This will also support our tourism industy by improving the liklihood of our visitors sighting our wildlife in a natural environment.

Evidence of Work


Team DataSets

Canberra Nature Map

Description of Use This data set will be used an an optional overlay for end users. It will also be leveraged as part of the Educator mode and included as part of the guided tour for a specified area.

Data Set

Threatened Fauna Habitat (ACT)

Description of Use This data set is used to update the status of an animal's profile. The Threated Fauna Maps are also used to highlight threat regions to end-users and encourage them to be cautions around these aminals. This data is linked to achievements for spotting a mammal in a threated area and providing data.

Data Set

Baseline roads and tracks - Queensland

Description of Use This will be used to assist with the navigation to animals to assist with planning and emergecy response.

Data Set

Cadastral data - Queensland series

Description of Use This will be used to provide/update the real-time location status of a Koala. Additional warnings will be provided to the end-user based on the location.

Data Set

Regional boundaries - Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service

Description of Use This will be used to provide/update the real-time location status of a Koala. Additional warnings will be provided to the end-user based on the location.

Data Set

Bushfire prone area - South East Queensland

Description of Use This is used to updated the status indicator of an Animal to determine if they are in a Bush Fire prone area. This will aid with planning and pro-active relocation and emergency planning and response.

Data Set

Flood extent series

Description of Use Used to varefiy the status indicator on an animals profile to determine if they are in a flood area. This will aid with planning and response.

Data Set

Asset Registers

Description of Use Use in rescue event to determine the extent to which heavy vehicles may access a rescue location.

Data Set

Koala Monitoring The Mill

Description of Use Base "public" Data for Platform. Koala hackers will use this as the foundation to individualise Koalas and build initial profiles.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Moreton Bay greening as we grow

How might we harness the power of the everyday citizen to help protect our diverse flora and fauna as we grow our region; creating a diverse and flourishing planet for generations to come?

Eligibility: Open to everyone. Employees of Moreton Bay Regional Council with a direct working relationship with members of the local Moreton Bay GovHack node organising committee are ineligible to apply for this prize. If unsure, please feel welcome to check-in on Slack and discuss via the #hack-moreton-bay and #talk-mbrc channels upon commencement of the event.

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Creative Use of Data in Response to ESG (AU)

How can you showcase data in a creative manner to respond to ESG challenges? How can we present and visualise data to stimulate conversation and promote change?

Eligibility: Must use a least one Australian relevant dataset - combining datasets preferred.

Go to Challenge | 31 teams have entered this challenge.

Discovering our region’s environment and biodiversity

How might ACT data encourage children and young people to appreciate and engage with Canberra’s environment and biodiversity?

Eligibility: Must use at least one ACT Government data set from the Geospatial Catalogue (

Go to Challenge | 11 teams have entered this challenge.