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Project Info

Team Name


Team Members

Rita , Sayalee , Chris AUZERO , Aman Sehgal

Project Description

We want to use public space

  1. To generate electricity.
  2. lower the heat in cities and urban spaces by greenifying using Biophylic design
  3. reduce carbon

Create NFT market coins for the community that supports it.


Data Story

We can leverage public spaces to generate clean energy solutions like solar panels, kinetic bikes, kinetic paving blocks, wind turbines. All these sources will generate clean energy which can be used to charge EVs, light up public spaces and power public utilities.

Also by hydrophonic framing, we can sequestrate Co2 emissions.

Over a period over 25 years we can save 6.1million ton CO2 using these practices.



Team DataSets

Victoria Planning Authority Open Space GIS Data Source

Description of Use Calculating the area and characterization of all Victorian open spaces from the local town square to the national parks.

Data Set

Victorian Traffic Light Locations

Description of Use Traffic signal locations are potential locations of solar energy generation micro points in the urban environment.

Data Set

Data Set on CO2 sequestration from Urban Agriculture

Description of Use Actual data for CO2 sequestered by urban agriculture: a potential reduction of 205.1kg CO2 per year per person.

Data Set

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Description of Use Data for CO2 generated in production of photovoltaics versus CO2 production from fossil fuel electricity production.

Data Set

Vic Planning Authority - Metropolitan Open Space Network Provision and Distribution

Description of Use Open space classification and hierarchy, and definitions.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Emissions: The Dark side of Buildings

How might we address the built environment which accounts for 40% of the world’s GHG emissions through data sets and smart technologies? How will the phenomenon of a hybrid “return to the workplace” impact how we use existing spaces and plans for developing new spaces? How do we create the right mix of brownfield and greenfield projects to optimise results of efforts?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.

Helping Australia reach net zero emissions by 2050

Australia has a goal to reach net zero emissions by 2050. How can Australians use public spaces, including city landscapes to achieve these goals?

Eligibility: This question is open to all participants, excluding those currently working at CER, AER, DISR or ACCC.

Go to Challenge | 18 teams have entered this challenge.