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Team 2230

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Evidence of Work

Ensuring the safety of our staff

Project Info

Team Name

Team 2230

Team Members

Rajeev Pantha , Prashan , Shubham , Sohil Tamang

Project Description

The use of machinery, equipment and vehicles in workplaces in Australia is very common. The use of all this equipment helps in boosting the efficiency and convenience of an organisation. However, this equipment has the potential for several injuries and life-threatening damages to the employees, health. This is resulting in a hike in the compensation and has brought complications in retaining the employees within the workforce. This proposed solution is one of the best possible solutions for the problem statements stated.

This project focuses on the diminution of these scenarios. The outlined problem statements have a probability to occur in many businesses where employees can potentially get injured and the company might need to pay for the compensation. Such a schema is not profitable to the organisation’s finance and goodwill. This project will develop an efficient computerised system within the organisation and will ensure the health and safety of using the vehicles, equipment and machinery.

The main objective of our proposed system is to ensure the health and safety of employees of any organisation by digitising the information and letting the users only use authorised and well-maintained vehicles, equipment or machine. Additionally, the proposed system will also fulfil the training requirements for all the employees while recording all of their training histories. Moreover, the system also maintains a log report and a maintenance history for all the vehicles, equipment and types of machinery used within an organisation.

The system replaces the old way of recording data records and digitalising the old system. This will help to significantly increase the safety of all the staff members by eliminating the need for direct supervision of all these manual tasks. This information will be saved into the database at the back-end. The database used for this project will be associated with the database of the organisation. To make it concise, the admin will be required to create and monitor the database regularly. Such privilege can be shared or managed by the admin only. The database will be created and released by the admin and thereafter, can be used by the users/employees. The database will have every detail user, vehicle, machine and equipment.

These details will also have a section for the current status of the machinery. It also has the pop-up notification to the admin about the current status of the machinery in case the status has been changed from ‘Okay to use’ or ‘DO NOT USE’. This will help the admin and the users to navigate the status of the machinery at any time and anywhere. This will also notify the admin and also send a pop-up message to the user about the inspection due as well as regular maintenance of the vehicles, machinery or equipment. This will be handy for admins and users for ensuring the status of all the devices of the firm. Also, the important part of this project is that it also has the feature of uploading the complete manual of the devices.

We strongly believe our project would be one more step towards making Australia a safer and better workplace.

#safety #workhealthsafety #centraliseddata #qrcode #cdu #northernterritory #nt

Data Story

Data for this project will be used from the private organisation and can maintain their own data accordingly.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

This team does not currently have any datasets.

Challenge Entries

Ensuring the safety of our staff

How might we use data to support the health and safety of staff who are required to operate vehicles, machinery and other equipment at work?

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.