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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

6 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

HackVision's Project is seeking to address how recent and future changes in the labour market can assist in preparing young people for job opportunities through predictive modelling.

We have extended the concept to overlay training and ATO income data by the QLD region with an Aged Care industry focus to demonstrate how we can leverage open data to help individuals optimise occupational decisions and at a grass roots level assist the community in maximising employment outcomes.

HackVision have created Jobit, a POC 'mobile first' app which addresses audiences through a series of channels, engaging the job seeker, the employer and the training organisation by combining and layering various datasets at a federal, state and potentially local government level to demonstrate the potential of open data and power of predictive modelling to solve a long standing issue with a fresh, data driven approach.

Data Story

Our project focused on regional sector and industry specific data for QLD and Aged Care Services blending and layering data from ABS, ATO, LMIP and QLD Open API data-sets to articulate the extensibility of the Jobit solution and its potential in incorporating the use of predictive analytics to support targeted training and education initiatives, optimising the occupational decision making process for jobseekers

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

QLD - Projective data - employment per occupation

Description of Use Based upon historical and predictive data we have used this data set as a base to run further predictive analysis producing projections for future years (through until 2025)

Data Set

QLD employment by industry

Description of Use This data set was the foundation of the data that was used to perform predictive analytics so that future employment demand could be modeled out to 2025. This allows individuals, employers and training organisations to understand growth, decline, location and prospects for an industry at a granular level. It assists individuals in making informed decisions regarding Educational Choices; Employers identifying opportunities for geographic growth; and Training Organisations understanding future demand and direction by location.

Data Set

Employment status by labour force region, Queensland

Description of Use Blending this dataset with additional statewide data provided the means to model results at a more granular level in respect to location. In addition this could add further depth to visualisation to assist in location based decisions enhanced with multiple dimensions especially where direct correlation between the datasets could be established

Data Set

QLD Open API Data (Training organisations)

Description of Use Used to connect Job Seekers / Trainers in their selected industry sector for the Jobit App based upon formal education or vocational skill acquisition needs. For Employers, to facilitate the identification of potential candidates and to collaborate on future skills requirements.

Data Set

Data by Region (SA4)

Description of Use Used to integrate into the POC app for location information (filtered for the QLD SA4 regions)

Data Set

Aged Care data - Australia filtered by QLD state

Description of Use Used to focus on a specific industry area in QLD to add depth to the understanding of future demands and prospects

Data Set

ATO - Income Data per region per year by ranking

Description of Use ATO - Income Data per region per year by ranking may be used as an overlay to provide supporting information for job-seekers in choosing new residential locations based upon industry / profession growth and opportunity. This will provide reassurance to the individual based upon factors beyond industry and location including socio-economic indicators

Data Set

Challenge Entries

ATO for individuals

How can ATO and other Australian public data be used to help the community fill employment opportunities?

Eligibility: The participants need to use ATO Taxation Statistics.

Go to Challenge | 27 teams have entered this challenge.

Australia’s Future Employment

Choose one of the following questions to address: 1. How can recent and future changes in the labour market help prepare young people for job opportunities? 2. What can we learn from case studies of regional labour markets? For example, what does rapid change in the industries or occupations within a region tell us about the needs of employers/workers in other regional labour markets

Eligibility: Use one or more datasets from the Labour Market Information Portal

Go to Challenge | 38 teams have entered this challenge.

Queensland OpenAPI

Create a project using one or more of Queensland's Open-API’s

Eligibility: Your solution to this challenge should access at least one Queensland Open Data API. You can mix and match this with other API’s or data

Go to Challenge | 39 teams have entered this challenge.

🌟 The Class of 2025

Considering the growing and emerging economic industries, how can data be used to assist tertiary education providers in developing courses that are relevant to, and supportive of future job creation?

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 10 teams have entered this challenge.