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Team Name:

Tassie Hack

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Evidence of Work

Local Experts

Project Info

Team Name

Tassie Hack

Team Members

Que Nguyet VO ( Laurel) , Khoi

Project Description

Local Expert

The inspiration
- The platform is created with a view to promote heritages in the areas using the existing data on locations, history, images and stories.
- To make a product that is useful for the local communities and anyone visiting the areas.
- To boost tourism in the area after the pandemic.
- The first version will focus on tourism and related services but the model can expand to include even more services in future versions.

The solution

LocalExpert is a solution for
- Helping tourists understand the areas they are visiting.
- Helping passionate locals to promote their regions and earn work opportunities
- Connecting tourists with services in the area.

It's like Uber for tourists and local services!


- Register to our system to become a local expert
- Submit their experiences, skills, availabilities and services to the system for processing
- Publish their profiles for reviews and feedbacks from tourists

- Search for services and experts in the area where they want to visits
- Give reviews and feedbacks to experts after their trip ends
- Find other people with similar interest to join

- Automatically suggest experts for a tourists based on experts' experiences, skills and feedbacks received
- Provide stories, audios, films, images related to the area using archive data
- Suggest other people with similar interest for you to make a group and travel together
- Manage transactions and interactions between tourists and experts


By using LocalExpert, tourists can simply state their destinations and we will deliver the best local experts and services for them. The research before travelling to a destinations is now much simplier.

On the other hands, the local people will have opportunities to introduce to the world their area and offering their services.


Local Expert uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • Wordpress - The Web package for perfectionists with deadlines!
  • Twitter Bootstrap5 - great UI boilerplate for modern web apps
  • HTML5 - the latest evolution of the standard that defines HTML
  • CSS3 - CSS is the language we use to style an HTML document.
  • jQuery - duh

And of course Local Expert itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.

Notes and Todos

  • Write MORE Tests
  • Need MORE Backend codes
  • Need MORE Frontend codes



Free Software, Hell Yeah!

#heritage #tourism #local economy

Data Story

There are three datasets used
Recreational Tracks and Trails - Open Data
Tasmanian archives + heritage
Local Overlays - Heritage Areas 2015

The Local Overlays - Heritage Areas 2015 will be used for locating where the heritages are in each area.

After that, each heritages will be matched with the images, stories, audio, films from the Tasmanian archives + heritage.

Finally, The Recreational Tracks and Trails are also matched with each heritage to create a fully comprehensive set of data.

When the users search for a location, the system now can suggest all data related to the location including heritages, images, stories, audio, films and Recreational Tracks and Trails.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Recreational Tracks and Trails - Open Data

Description of Use Locating trails and tracks to suggest to user

Data Set

Tasmanian archives + heritage

Description of Use For locating heritages, architectures, ports, shoping and matching images, history, stories to them

Data Set

Local Overlays - Heritage Areas 2015

Description of Use To know where the heritages are

Data Set

Challenge Entries

The best use of Tasmanian Heritage Data

How can we use data to showcase Tasmania’s history, people and stories?

Eligibility: Must use Tasmanian data.

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.

Most outstanding benefit to the residents of Tasmania

How can we use Open Data to most benefit residents of Tasmania?

Eligibility: Must use Tasmanian data.

Go to Challenge | 6 teams have entered this challenge.

Best Tasmanian commercial opportunity

How can we use Tasmanian Data to create something that could be an economic success?

Eligibility: Must use Tasmanian data.

Go to Challenge | 5 teams have entered this challenge.