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The Watchmen

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Evidence of Work

Prime Figures Of Speech

Project Info

Team Name

The Watchmen

Team Members


Project Description

An exploration of the key talking points in our country over the last 60 years, expressed through the lens of language used by our political leaders.

#leaders speech language prime minister transcript politics

Data Story

Today more than ever we can see the power of political leadership to make or break a country through difficult times.

Australia's prime minister is elected to serve our country and speak for our people. Their words should reflect both the sentiment of the people and the cultural themes of their time, as well as set a bold vision for the Australia we all want to create.

This project performs a deep dive into tens of thousands of transcripts from prime ministers over the last 60 years. The resulting analysis gives a though-provoking snapshot through time of the issues that have impacted us as a nation, and a rich genesis of some of the critical issues we face today.

I used the PM Transcripts Respository as my key data source. This source captures speeches, media releases, press conferences and other official transcripts for prime ministers.

I performed significant data munging and cleansing to shape the data into a form where it could be easily consumed and understood in graphical form.

The code for this project is at a GitHub repository. This includes the scripts used to manipulate the data, the linked website, and JSON extracts of the summarised data I created, available to others for further analysis.

The linked site shows some samples of the analysis I created, for your exploration.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

PM Transcripts repository

Description of Use This was the primary source of my project. I downloaded all the transcripts for data munging to produce my analysis.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

The language of leadership

In times of crisis words can inspire and unite us, but they can also provoke division and conflict. How has the language of Australia’s leaders changed over time? How can we represent these changes in public discourse within a historical timeline?

Go to Challenge | 7 teams have entered this challenge.