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Project 1286

Project Info

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Team Name

Team with no name

Team Members

2 members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

We have supplied a Proactive Investment Strategy to Make Safer Communities. It is proposed that this will work through an investment strategy driven by local government that focuses on levers to produce positive outputs and outcomes founded upon principles of:
• Holistic whole-of-community solutions
• Tangible and intangible outcomes
• Co-design and partnerships
This is done by viewing the overall investment strategy as a process from:
• Evidence Based Strategic Planning
o Where data can be used to identify:
 Social issues
 Define social outcomes
 Identify available levers/outputs to affect change
 Define investment principles
• Strategic Partnership Brokerage
o Identify key partnerships
o Establish funding agreements and partnerships
• Community Co-Design
o Community and partner led co-design of project
o Develop site specific evaluation measures
• Project Rollout
o Project Rollout
o Rolling collaborative evaluation to monitor ongoing progress
The benefit of our approach is that we are addressing the ingrained social issue, rather than fixing the consequences. It is an evolving approach that would use available data initially, and in time feed additional data into the system.

Data Story

We have used the data to validate the process of using data driven decisions to focus on available levers for required outputs and outcomes. We have taken publicly available data, for Local Government Areas (LGAs) and used it to validate levers that can be used to give socially positive outputs. For example we were able to see that as unemployment decreases in an LGA, it’s expected that the crime rate will also decrease. This validates the theory of the model, and gives a lever that can be manipulated.

Evidence of Work


Project Image

Team DataSets

Mental health vic number for 2018-9

Description of Use Used for numbers in presentation

Data Set

Vic Police Family Numbers

Description of Use Used for presentation

Data Set

Prisoner data

Description of Use Used to get data for presentation

Data Set

2016 Crime Stats

Description of Use Added to get accused offender information per LGA

Data Set

2015 LGA Profiles

Description of Use attributes for LGA's

Data Set


Description of Use Added in to get additional attributes for the LGA

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Identifying government investment for enhancing community safety

How can governments apply resources so as to proactively address social issues before they escalate and require reactive interventions (e.g. social work, law enforcement etc.)?

Go to Challenge | 16 teams have entered this challenge.