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EconData stories

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Evidence of Work

Save the lights, save the world

Project Info

Team Name

EconData stories

Team Members


Project Description

The interactive data apps is designed to enable planning and policy analysts to tier light zones for different areas in hobart. We connect to novel data sources giving us street pole level information on essential light areas and do real time budget forecasting analysis based on policy parameters (budget vs. environment vs. safety).

The app URL is:
The video URL is:

#analytics #energyefficiency #api #webapps

Data Story

  • How can we empower policy analysts with the right data and tools to make decisions about street light investments.
  • How can we combine public and corporate data to support conceptual ideas about lighting policy tradeoffs.
  • How can we best visualise the short term and long term financial benefits of various policy options

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

GovHack CoH Street Lighting Challenge (costs)

Description of Use Used in the budget forecasting tool

Data Set

City of Hobart sample street light sample data

Description of Use Used to plot points on chart

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Smart lighting for efficiency and dark skies in Hobart

Cities spend millions every year lighting their streets. In an era of efficiency and emissions reductions there are smarter ways to maintain safety without lighting empty streets. We have the data. We want big ideas.

Eligibility: Use one or more datasets from City of Hobart (CoH) Open data portal and ensure the submission relates to street lighting in Hobart.

Go to Challenge | 3 teams have entered this challenge.