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Project Info

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Team Name


Team Members

Anshul , Sekar , Alvin , Sina

Project Description

Schools are a foundational pillar for ensuring the continual expansion of our future generations. There are currently more than a 1000 public schools being offered by the Victorian State government to its citizens. To ensure accessibility for all children to schools, the Victorian State Government has implemented a Zonation Policy, where each child is designated the nearest public school.

Within metropolitan regions of the state, this designation is generally determined by a straight-line measurement from the house to the closest public school.

This designation approach doesn't consider the public transport network, which encourages greater use of cars by parents, leading to higher congestion, greater travel times, emissions and unsafe roads particularly for children around school areas.

So our project, School Zone's objectives are to enhance road safety, particularly around school areas, decrease emissions and travel times by encouraging the use of trams, buses and trains for trips undertaken to schools.

In particular, schoolzone helps the government redesign school zones by focusing on assigning students based on accessibility to schools via a single mode of public transport, while also considering the shortest route and capacity of schools.

#census #australia #public transport #victoria #tram #bus #train #schools #zones

Data Story

The following key datasets have been utilised in the design and development of schoolzone:

  • the Victorian Transport Data for establishing the locations and routes of the trams, buses and trains.

  • the Victorian Dept. of Education & Training data for identifying the school locations

  • & Census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics for identifying the demographic profiles and locations of the Statistical Area 1s.

School utilises robust network optimisation models along with specialist spatial mapping software to identify appropriate school designations for households.

Greater use of public transportation for trips to & from schools will reduce the number of cars on roads, leading to enhanced levels of safety, especially for our children around school areas, lower emissions and reduction in travel times.

School Zone offers a sustainable approach to establishing desgination schools for our children.

Evidence of Work



Project Image

Team DataSets

Technical Notes, Codes, Prepared Data and Outputs

Description of Use These are the technical notes, codes, prepared data inputs & outputs.

Data Set

GovHack DataSets

Description of Use Three types of datasets utilised: 1. Victorian Transport data for establishing bus, tram & train station locations and routes; 2. Victorian Department of Education & Training data set for identifying metropolitan school locations; 3. Census 2021 data from Australian Bureau of Statistics for identifying population demographics and Victorian Statistical Area 1 locations.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

The 2021 Australian Census

How might we link the 2021 Census data with open data to highlight or solve a challenge Australians are facing

Eligibility: Teams are encouraged to use datasets from a variety of sources, but at least one must be drawn from the ABS Census 2021.

Go to Challenge | 24 teams have entered this challenge.