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Wenergy WA

Project Info

Wenergy thumbnail

Team Name


Team Members

Sarah Blackman and 5 other members with unpublished profiles.

Project Description

Locate Future Water Storage and Link Watercourses and Energy Distribution Infrastructure.
Plan resource allocation and identify regional projects to support growth.
Connect special interest groups/clubs with government funding programs to assist regional growth.
Wenergy Shows us Where and When the Regions are Ready to Transform.

Data Story

A mine at the end of its life, usually requires large amounts of backfill and rehabilitation. What if, we could repurpose it, and turn it into a vibrant and sustainable community.

Electrical and road infrastructure currently form the basis of existing mine sites and can be repurposed into a new industry hub.

Open cut pits would provide a new water storage, for agricultural enterprise and hydroelectricity.
Solar Electricity farms combined with horticulture are a way to provide jobs and the sale of excess electricity to pay for community facilities.

Electricity could be used to power vehicles and machinery within the community adding to the sustainability of transportation

Modern solar farms built above ground provide shade house conditions underneath to grow food crops and the rainwater can be collected for use in crop irrigation.

As mine sites follow mineral seams, they are often in close proximity to other sites, if we could interlink these repurposed water storage sources, we can create green corridors in areas that are usually arid. These green corridors become a flora and fauna safety net, encouraging sustainability and biodiversity.

Evidence of Work



Team DataSets

Minedex Major Resources Projects Map Data Extract

Description of Use Used as map overlay (sourced through Slack)

Designated areas under Section 57 (4) Mining Act 1978

Description of Use Used as a map overlay (sourced from Slack)

Section 19 (Mining Act 1978)

Description of Use Used as a map overlay (Sourced through Slack)

Ninedex Operating Mine Map Data Extract

Description of Use Used as a map overlay (Sourced through Slack)

Regionally significant basic raw materials

Description of Use Used as a map overlay (Sourced through Slack)

WaterControl Area LGate 250

Description of Use Used as a map overlay

Stocktake of Australian Innovation Precincts

Description of Use Used as map overlay for innovation precincts and hubs

Data Set

Administrative areas

Description of Use Used as map overlay

Data Set

Cadastral data

Description of Use Used as map overlay to show freehold and crown land boundaries

Data Set

Road centreline

Description of Use Used as map overlay for transport routes

Data Set

Transmission Overhead Powerlines (WP-032)

Description of Use Used as map overlay for electrical sources

Data Set

Surface Hydrology Lines (National)

Description of Use Used as map overlay for water sources

Data Set

Surface Hydrology Points (National)

Description of Use Used as map overlay for water sources

Data Set

Surface Hydrology Points (Regional)

Description of Use Used as map overlay for water sources

Data Set

Surface Hydrology Lines (Regional)

Description of Use Used as map overlay for water sources

Data Set

Average electricity use

Description of Use Finding average consumption of electricity for a household, to then extrapolate how much energy a community would need to produce, to be self-sufficient.

Data Set

Electricity consumption benchmarks

Description of Use Finding average consumption of electricity for a household, to then extrapolate how much energy a community would need to produce, to be self-sufficient.

Data Set

Challenge Entries

Optimise energy and water resource planning

Optimise energy and water resource planning

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 32 teams have entered this challenge.

Public Transport for the Future

How might we combine data with modern technologies - such as AI/ML, IoT, Analytics or Natural Language interfaces - to better our public transport services. Outcomes could take the form of new commuter experiences, reduced environmental impact, or helping plan for the future.

Eligibility: Use any open dataset to support your entry.

Go to Challenge | 45 teams have entered this challenge.

Why is “placemaking” important for local communities?

A strong community is created through creating a “sense of place” through engagement with the community, partnerships with businesses and industry

Eligibility: Western Australian competitors

Go to Challenge | 4 teams have entered this challenge.

Australia’s Future Employment

Choose one of the following questions to address: 1. How can recent and future changes in the labour market help prepare young people for job opportunities? 2. What can we learn from case studies of regional labour markets? For example, what does rapid change in the industries or occupations within a region tell us about the needs of employers/workers in other regional labour markets

Eligibility: Use one or more datasets from the Labour Market Information Portal

Go to Challenge | 38 teams have entered this challenge.

Leveraging innovation precincts to drive economic prosperity.

How might we build on interaction between businesses and research institutions in Australian innovation precincts, to boost business capability, growth, and job creation?

Eligibility: The dataset "Stocktake of Australian Innovation Precincts – June 2019" must be used

Go to Challenge | 23 teams have entered this challenge.

Most Creative Use of WA Data

This challenge is to provide recognition to the team that uses any available Western Australian data set to provide the most ‘creative’ solution to a local or regional issue in Western Australia.

Eligibility: Must utilise at least one WA Data Set

Go to Challenge | 9 teams have entered this challenge.