Entries to The 2021 Australian Census

Catalogue | Table
Project Team Location
Austarlian Census 2021 Housing Market Team Top Gun Melbourne — Flinders
Bad News is Good News We saw it coming Fremantle
Cartesian Pin Data Revolution Adelaide
Connectiverse Think Rhino Brisbane — Fortitude Valley
CRIME (Crime Resource Interface Management Engine) HACKSAW Moreton Bay
Cyclo The HackMaster Burwood — Deakin
Electric Roadrunner Tartans 2022 Adelaide
Eucalypta "data" Digital ACT
Flood Alarm Code Sisters Hobart
Full Bloom Apple Park Albany
Good Life School WynTeam Digital VIC
Growth.ACT S6 Burwood — Deakin
In Sight, In Mind Ravenous Drop Bears Digital WA
Lynk Lynk Inc. Melbourne — Flinders
Med Check HackX Adelaide
Neighbourly Lol Lol Digital NSW
NTech Sugarcity.io Digital QLD
Petidcare Keyboard warriors Canberra
PolEx Apples Canberra
Public Transport Optimisation Data Crunchers Melbourne — Flinders
Rintern Disturbing Jerks Brisbane — St Lucia
SCHOOLZONE Happy Melbourne — Flinders
TransCO2 TransCO2 Moreton Bay
WaterSaver The Company Moreton Bay
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