Entries to Youth education and employment

Catalogue | Table
Project Team Location
Aussie Career Map Nila NSW (Digital)
Career Calculator HackGov Moreton Bay QLD (Digital)
Career Gameplan Databaes ACT (Digital)
Data to the people! Team Tom 'n Suse Melbourne (Digital)
Discoverie Dizzie VIC (Digital)
El Camino - Explore Occupations without Preconceived Notions! JesseWeHaveToCode NSW (Digital)
From small things better things grow DI/CER Dream Team Canberra (Digital)
Helllo Future Never_give_up SA (Digital)
Janus | One-stop Career Service Scotty SA (Digital)
JEDIfy Team SMAD Perth (Physical - Location: Notre Dame Uni)
Job Atlas Dr Robotnik Melbourne (Digital)
Level Up TeamYF VIC (Digital)
Market sure MBCC GovHackers Albany (Physical)
My Next Midlife Crisis the team with no noname Melbourne (Digital)
Occupation Interchange Data Florist QLD (Digital)
Outliers - Stay Ahead Of Your Career Team 1468 - VietAusIT - Brisbane QLD (Digital)
P2J 👾 Slackers 👾 Adelaide - (Physical)
Path Finder Think Tank VIC (Digital)
Project 1560 Optimo GovHack NSW (Digital)
Project Upskill SwitchCase Project 2 NSW (Digital)
Rydo ET NSW (Digital)
Scorpio Scorpio Melbourne (Digital)
Seekareer Seekareer Hobart (Physical - Location: UTAS, Sandy Bay)
Skill Explorer Scions of the Seventh Dawn Canberra (Digital)
Standards-based Job Design - Matching Industry Needs with Workforce Skills Team In2Teq NSW (Digital)
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